- Çocuk Ortopedisi
- Erişkin kas iskelet sistemi travmaları
- Çocukluk çağı kas iskelet sistemi travmaları
- Yenidoğan kalça taraması ve ultrasonografisi
- Gelişimsel kalça displazisi
- Çocuk ayak doğumsal ve edinsel sorunları
- Çocukluk çağı nöromusküler hastalıkların ortopedik tedavisi
Tedavi Yöntemleri
- Çocukluk çağı kırıkları konservatif ve cerrahi tedavisi
- Erişkin kırıkları konservatif ve cerrahi tedavisi
- Kalça çıkığının konservatif ve cerrahi tedavisi
- Kemik uzatma cerrahisi
- Deformite cerrahisi
- Pes Equinovarus konservatif ve cerrahi tedavisi
- Serebral palside botox uygulamaları
- Serebral palside cerrahi tedaviler
1. Ramazanov, Rafik; Ozdemir, Erdi; Yilmaz, Guney; Caglar, Omur; Cemalettin Aksoy, Mehmet Rebound phenomenon after hemiepiphysiodesis: Determination of risk factors after tension band plate removal in coronal plane deformities of lower extremities, Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics B: January 2021- Volume 30- Issue 1- p 52-58
2. Özdemir E, Emet A, Ramazanov R, Yılmaz G. Correction of coronal plane deformities around knee in children with two-hole tension band plates. Joint Diseases and Related Surgery. 2021;32(1):177-84.
3. Cayli C, Dursun G, Cetik RM, Ramazanov R, Demirkiran HG, Ayvaz M, Yazici M. Clinical Outcomes of 3-column Osteotomy at Growing Rod Graduation. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics. 2021 Oct 1;41(9):537-42.
4. Kamacı S, Kaymakoğlu M, Ramazanov R, Aksoy MC, Yılmaz G. Preliminary results of rigid fixation (locking plate/screw) after triple pelvic osteotomy without a hip spica cast: A modified fixation method in 21 patients. Joint Diseases and Related Surgery. 2021 Aug;32(2):454.
5. Yucekul A, Ramazanov R, Olgun ZD, Ayvaz M, Demirkiran G, Bekmez S, Yazici M. Posterior Instrumentation and Fusion in Multiple-segment Adolescent Congenital Scoliosis: When Are Posterior Column and Concave Rib Osteotomies Needed?. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics. 2021 Aug 13;41(7): e517-23.
6. Dursun, Gokay, Riza M. Cetik, Dilek Guzel, Halil Gokhan Demirkiran, Rafik Ramazanov, Ozgur Dede, Ercan Gurses, and Muharrem Yazici. "The effect of apical vertebra position on growing rod treatment: a clinical and finite element study." Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 42, no. 6 (2022): e552-e558.
7. Aksoy, Taha, Sancar Bakircioglu, Erdi Ozdemir, Rafik Ramazanov, Mehmet Cemalettin Aksoy, and Guney Yilmaz. "The Fate of Overcorrection After Hemiepiphysiodesis in Valgus Deformities Around the Knee." Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 43, no. 7 (2023): e567-e573.