
Silicone Breast Prosthesis Does Not Increase Breast Cancer Risk

Silicone Breast Prosthesis Does Not Increase Breast Cancer Risk

Breast structure that completes the physique of the woman in body appearance takes an important place in shoulder width, chest circumference, waist and hip circumference measurements. Breast structure with small size, one smaller than the other and asymmetrical appearance due to different structural reasons can be made aesthetic with silicone breast prostheses. Silicone applications do not prevent breastfeeding, nor do they cause a basis for diseases such as cancer. Dr. Koray Coskunfirat from department of Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Memorial Antalya Hospital explained explained what should be known about breast prosthesis for “01-31 October Breast Cancer Awareness Month”.


Ideal size with trial prosthesis

Breast prostheses are balloon-like structures prepared in the form of breasts. There are round shaped ones and drop shaped ones called anatomic. One of them is selected in accordance with the woman's breast structure. The balloon part is made of silicone, the surface of the prosthesis is produced as rough or flat. The stuffing materials inside the balloon may differ; Today, the most preferred breast prostheses are the ones filled with silicone gel. These are produced in different sizes and volumes, and the suitable size of the prosthesis for the patient is determined after detailed consultation with the doctor. In addition, ideal prosthesis can be found by applying trial prostheses during surgery and original prosthesis can be placed according to this size determination.

Does not prevent breastfeeding

There is no obstacle in breastfeeding for the patients who had silicone surgery, and the risk of developing any disease including breast cancer does not increase compared to non-silicone people. In breast augmentation surgery there may be problems with prosthesis since the surgery is provided with an unknown material for the body. There may be hardening and narrowing around the prosthesis due to the development of a membrane called capsule. The thin membrane does not cause any problem, if a medium-thick membrane is formed, a slight stiffness in the breast and prominence at the base of the breast can be noticed.

Same as normal breast tissue

There is no problem caused in the mammography and surgical examination in the breast where silicone is applied, and Prosthesis is seen as a gap in the mammography. The risk of developing cancer in a breast with silicone prosthesis does not increase, it is the same as normal breast tissue. If breast cancer develops, surgery and other forms of treatment for breast cancer are applied in the prosthetic breast in line accordance in line with standards. Before deciding on breast augmentation surgery, uncomfortable situation and the expectation from the surgery should be clearly explained to the doctor, and the prosthesis to be selected, the incision of the prosthesis, the type of anesthesia, the early and late results of the surgery should be discussed in detail.

Surgery marks disappear over time 

In the operation a 4-5 cm incision is opened to apply the prosthesis. This scar placement can be from the under breast fold, the edge of the nipple and the armpit. What is more important than position of silicone  is the shape and size to be obtained. Wherever the entry position is, a scar will remain. These are noticable initially, but become indistinct over time. Depending on the patient's breast structure, the prosthesis can be placed behind the breast tissue or behind the chest muscle.

Back to work 4 days after the surgery

If the prosthesis is placed behind the chest muscle, there may be a limitation in arm movements for a few days. A bra or bandage is applied to the breast after surgery. If there are non dissolvable stitch, they can be removed after 10-12 days. There may be swelling in the early period, insensibility in the nipple and purplish color change on the skin. These disappear on their own in a short time. The patient can return to work within 4-5 days. After 3-4 weeks, the prosthesis settles into place and the breast normally functions. The patient is advised to stay away from heavy sports that require jumping and running for 2 months. The outer surface of the silicone prosthesis is very thin, but it is quite resistant to external impacts. Standard and moderate massages do not hurt. The person may lie face down 2-3 months after surgery. Tearing of silicone is a rare case, it can happen by crushing such as in-vehicle traffic accidents in vehicles, falling from height, injuries with penetrative tools.

Prepared by Memorial Medical Editorial Board.

10 May 2021

16 June 2020

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